Monday, September 28, 2009


Im Not Much Of A Blogger!!!
And Yet I Attempt!

It annoys me how people say i couldn't punch someone!!
Well i think i can!!

Im Not A Sweet Fairy Apple Eater!!!(I Hate Apples!!,Fairies are super cool though)

I should be wearing a danger sign everywhere i go!!..saying "DO NOT APPROACH!"

And Thats The Thing With Me!!..I Dis-Like Most Things!!!
Its Tragic With A Capital T (MCR-Kill All Your Friends)
I Had To Do It Sooner Or Later!!

Heres A List Of Things I Very Much Dislike!!
*Large Groups Of People(Unless its a concert,most people are there for the same reason).
*People not knowing how dangerous i can be.
*People who are so up themselves they've forgotten who they truly are!
*MCR Haters,the ones who say we're a cult...We're A FXCKIN ARMY!!"
*People who don't understand my cruel humor!
*The One They Call Jennifer Aniston.
*Burt McCraken?-Is that the idiots name??
*Not Having Hand Sanitizer! - i rely on my friends with that one!
*Primary School when people try and force people together...when people mistaken Best Friend Love To A Crush!!!,makes me sick to think that i will never have a BF(best friend)like that again!!
*Twilight!!....ya know..when i first started high school!!!...i was called a freak!!...simple for the fact that i was in-Love with the idea of Vampires!!...not the ones in twilight!!...but the ones played by Brad Pitt And Tom Cruise!!!..but Now!!...its a fashion that doesnt want to be worn by little girls who like Miley Cyrus and the Jonas brothers!!....
And Loads more,i cant think!! going to emplode!!! 

But there a alot of things i do like and people who i do enjoy spending my life with!!!
Here are a few!!
*Peta-spending time with her is like spending time with a warlock of love!!
*Comic Books aand super heroes!!!...Big Bang Theory !!!...who have made it cool to be like me!!!...and for that i give you a standing ovation!!
*My Chem!! without you is like life without DemonHunters or Children of the moon!!
*My Mates!! i like the fact that you understand my need for my space!!...The way you Dudes understand how close i am to my family!!! and i like it when you do want to hug me!!...but i even more enjoy your faces when i turn down the offer!!...Haha!!
*Vampires!..not the lame ones either!!.....
*My Imagination!!....with you i can go anywhere!!!
*Mikey!! one and only!!..i will always love you!!...even when your are 80,grey and saggy!!
*Wolverine!!...the coolest superhero out there!!!..actually i have become very  fond of The Incredible Hulk!!
*Kate!! make being a Vampire Sexy!! i hate that word!!...makes me feel violated!! can violate me any day Kate!!
And theres loads more!!...

So..This has been my first proper blog!!...
i would just like to say That Olivia,Amelia And Maxine are the wicked coolest friends you can have!!
you are my Ninja warrior Queens!!...That i will forever be dedicated to make you Gals feel awkward!!
