Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What to do in 2012?

I've finished up my course and didn't pass. I am suprised by myself at how well I really did and the awesome marks I did get,but not enough.

I've been looking eagerly for a job but no such luck. So I've decided that I may do a youth guarentee course in Travel, Tourism and Business.

Doesn't sound like something that I would do, but sounds like an awesome out come for me. If I pass I may get the opportunity to travel and/or get a job straight out of studies!

I can always do my art, writing and music on the side. And for all I know the opportunity I get from travelling may lead me to a career doing one of the above!

So to save up money for other such things I will soon              be selling some of my art pieces like this on TradeMe!

Look out Universe!!!

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