Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Applied for WINTEC and will be posting some pictures soon of my portfolio.

Stay Tuned!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What to do in 2012?

I've finished up my course and didn't pass. I am suprised by myself at how well I really did and the awesome marks I did get,but not enough.

I've been looking eagerly for a job but no such luck. So I've decided that I may do a youth guarentee course in Travel, Tourism and Business.

Doesn't sound like something that I would do, but sounds like an awesome out come for me. If I pass I may get the opportunity to travel and/or get a job straight out of studies!

I can always do my art, writing and music on the side. And for all I know the opportunity I get from travelling may lead me to a career doing one of the above!

So to save up money for other such things I will soon              be selling some of my art pieces like this on TradeMe!

Look out Universe!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Doctor!

This post is dedicated to the one and only, Eleventh Doctor!!

A short poem:

-Oh Lord the Times-

A time lord you are, an immortal only I.
With the TARDIS and you, I really do try.
But we cannot be together, only when this ends.
I hope someday a blue envelope, The Doctor he will send.

(except it wouldn't have a number on it I hope!!...that would be terrible!! (you Whovians know!))


Also, The Warlocks birthday on Saturday, November 5th!!
Happy Birthday to that creature!!
Also Guy Fawkes!, which I LOVE!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Its the 1st of October already!!Where has the days gone??

Hi all, haven't blogged in a bit.

Recently I have been studying Creative Writing and my time as a student of Waiariki Inst Tech is coming to an end.A bad end I think, from what a certain someone has told me, I'm most likely going to fail!!.Yes I know, shocking news. I will blame this on one thing, and one thing only.The illogical and idiotic teachers!, yes I know I am to blame for unfinished work, or no attempt at all. But the feedback on a touching poem I wrote has caused me to spontaneously combust!!

Here it is:

A picture to give you more of a feel to the poem!

(Above-Gerard Way in "the Ghost of You" music video Directed by Mark Webb(akaEPIC))

'The Ghost of a Brother' -By Wai Skerrett.

Dressed in green his heart aches.

They never really made this choice.
Along his leg the mud cakes.
In his ear his mothers voice.
His jet black hair and pale skin.
Everyone fill up the boat.
From far you can see the enemies grin.
Stuck in their throat, blood they choke.
Storm up the beaches.
Grenades they throw.
Woman's hearts destroyed like peaches.
Young boys grow.
His blood brother is at his side.
The cries they hear from the men they knew.
But his brother hit by bullet, he could not hide.
The men who were left were only a few.
He could not breathe his stomach in his throat.
It was always them against the world.
Blood covers his green coat.
They never wanted to work in this job field.
His face a mixture of blood and tears.

Dressed in green his heart aches.

Okay, so my problem was that my tutor said that there is an awkward transition between some of my lines, that's just how I write...I write awkwardly!!..second problem was that he said I should change the line "Grenades they throw" to "They throw grenades" he saying that it sounds better his way and that no one says "Grenades they throw" so why write it!!How about I would say it like that so that's how I wrote it!!He also said that I had no control of the poem. In saying that he also gave me some pretty good feedback on other things.I suppose I can get VERY hot headed about criticism to my work.


If I fail which is most likely! More than most likely actually. I have applied for a job at The Warehouse, which I'm hoping I get so I can start saving!. If I do get it I probably wont study next year, and will pay for art lessons at the Art Post. That way I'm getting my art fix and can start saving for my 18th birthday trip, art school(seeing as art is want I want to do,hard work I know!) and maybe even save for a trip somewhere else in the world!..
Even though it is highly likely I'll fail my course, I really do hope I get The Warehouse job, so I can save for some awesome things!!.. I know failing my course will make me feel totally idiotic, loser like even..I know the things that will come out of working, saving to travel and saving for art school, the total Epicness will outweigh those negative things from failing!

So I'm very much looking forward to next year! Other than the above highlights that I've mentioned.Big Day Out 2012 brings my favourite band! My Chemical Romance to New Zealand!!..I'm so happy that I'll get to see them for the second time in my life, first being in 2007, me being a 13yr old weirdo.

I will also like to let you know that I am happily addicted to Dr Who!!, I Love the 11th Doctor, at first I thought he was weird..But he has grown on me!

That concludes my blog, next time I write to you all I hope to be working and getting money, and I hope by then my sister,cousin and I have started making Indie films.

P.S:Steal my poem Ideas, and I'll steal your soul!!

Oh, and I'll leave you with these pics of my future husbands(and know this, YES I will have 3, when I rule the world!)

By for now.. The Mummy is on.. Its got Carlos Olivera(the character name) from Resident Evil:Apocalypse on it!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

My Review of WATCHMEN: Ozymandias Bust

Originally submitted at WB Shop

From the critically acclaimed graphic novel and much anticipated film, Watchmen, this Ozymandias bust is a great collector's item.

Love This !

By MikeyismyHero from North Island,New Zealand on 5/23/2011


4out of 5

Pros: Displays Well, Must have for fans, Awesome, Detailed

Best Uses: Adults, Teens, Memorabilia

Describe Yourself: Student, Comic Book fan

This is an awesome piece that any fan of Watchmen should have.
I was so happy when I received it and he is now on display in my room!

The man himself


Tags: Picture of Product, Awesome, Using Product

Bottom of the Bust


Tags: Picture of Product, Using Product, Awesome


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Writing like a Professional.

New Start and New Goals:

So I ended last year very bluntly, that being that I dropped out of school 3 months before it finished. Yeah people may look at me as vermin but I still have a higher IQ then them. But as 1 adventure ends ( dreadful highschool ) another starts. The Adventure of Creative Awesome!!

That is me of course using my full creative talent to the MAX!!

First of I'm starting with my writing ability, most of you will know by now that I am currently studying at Waiariki Institute of Technology ( based in Roto-Vegas or for those who aren't familiar with the Kiwi slang; Rotorua ). There I am studying The Diploma in Creative Writing (long distance).

Anyways, with this course I take on the responsability of learning creative writing skills, travel writing, writing a screenplay, focus on non-fiction and focus on fiction. I'm am hoping with all the skills of the above I will be able to write a master piece. But with what knowledge I already have, I have come up with the following:

This Content belongs to the Writer: Wai Skerrett

I never really thought what would happen if the whole world just went blank, shrouded with velvet black. Like being turned off like an old light bulb, light faded away. But here I am standing in an abandoned motel bathroom, looking at my image in the reflection of a mirror, and not liking what I see looking back at me. All resemblence of my old self had vanished; people had adjusted to the new lifestyle sprung on us. Many for the better, but there were those who changed for the worse.

City Picture: What I think Bright City would look like (No connection

to Paris which is also knowen as 'Bright City'and/or

other cities.)


In the year 2050 the world has changed from what we currently know it. Forces of evil lurk in the darkness and anything can happen in the newly lit Bright City. As Onyx helps the CEO of Light Age Inventions with plans for the new world, peace in one hand and Auroranite in the other, will a familiar face show up as her villain ready to destroy everything they've worked for?

Blue Syringe Pic: What I imagine Auroranite would look like.

Steal My Story and I'll Steal your F*ckin Soul!

Please feel free to comment on my story ideas.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Things To Do Before I Die./My Bucket List?

Here Are A Few Things I Want To do before I Die.(Although death Is Not Going To Happen To Me)

i)Visit Alicante
ii)Become Immortal
iii)Get Hit By A Car
iv)Become James Bonds Partner
v)Capture Mikey
vi)World Domination
vii)Destroy those whom i said i would destroy!
viii)Marry Lestat de Lioncourt

These Are Only A Few!